5 Simple Techniques to Improve Productivity at Work
الأخوة والأخوات الكرام
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أنقل لكم هذا الموضوع باللغة
الإنجليزية، فقد أعجبني وأردت أن أنقل لكم فائدته بعنوان( 5 تقنيات سهلة لزيادة
الإنتاجية في العمل)
Everyone wants to be super productive
at work and enjoy their time with family and friends. After all those who work
over weekends aren’t always hero (mostly it is other way round). If you don’t
want to spend your time working on office activities over weekend, you should
definitely consider these very quick and easy techniques to improve your
1. Prioritize
Your Work
Yes, it sounds over used words. Trust
me; being more productive really starts with knowing what is the most important
and what is really urgent to you. Personally, I always have piles of tasks to
perform every day. It has been difficult for me to look at all these items and
decide which one to start with. Now I have divided this list into two
e.g. Review Design Document
e.g. Expanding in new geographical
Writing new marketing collateral
New product development
Hiring creative designer
Tactical (urgent/ routine task) and
Strategic (aligned with long term vision). I prioritize the list (of course,
based on importance and urgency) and pick up first 5 tactical and 2 strategic
Productivity At Office
Cognitive Work Load - Productivity At
Office Through Change in Approach [1
2. Make Your Day’s
Schedule & Stick to It.
For all primarily scheduled
activities, start using digital format – e.g. online project management
software like ZilicusPM and keep yourself on top of the things.
Then I follow, what Brian Tracy call
‘Eat That Frog[2]’ mantra. Pick up dreadful task and finish it off first. For
remaining items, you can use – ‘what can be finished in two minutes’, pick up
and finish that off. It is better to tick that off than to spend time in
organizing it. Technical people can relate to ‘the meta data should not be
bigger than the actual data’.
3. Avoid Spoiler
and Limit Distractors
We are living in the era of
information explosion and speaking more specifically – the world of social
networks. There are plenty of spoilers and distractors – like emails, meetings,
phone calls, social media alerts, and your colleague(s) who may drag you to
pantry for office-gossip. The emails, phone calls, and meetings are fine to
certain extent (which you only have to identify the right limit) but beyond
which, they spoil everybody’s time and energy.
To avoid funny but unnecessary things
at work like social media sites, chatter boxes and gossip with colleagues, you
need to discipline yourself. It is really about self-control; of course you can
take advantage of technology to aid these efforts.
4. Develop a
Habit to Ask – What is Next?
We all understand that we will keep on
working for a while. And when we know that there is unending list of things to
do – follow ups to perform, meetings to attend, sales deals to be closed,
project deliveries to be made, executive presentations to be performed, and so
on. If we want to get rid of as much as we can, so that you can be at peace
over weekend with your family and friends.
The best way to go about this is –
keep asking a question – what is next? Be aggressive to know what is pending
and how best you can clean pending item. It is easier said than done, but your
organization’s culture and your persistence will do miracle.
5. Take Short
Break: Mediate & Unwind Yourself
Work life can be stressful, full of
expectations and pressure from various stakeholders –your managers, customers,
vendors, peers, colleagues, subordinates, etc. To make it easier at work, take
stipulated and well-crafted short breaks (10-15 mins) during work-hours. You
can mediate and relieve yourself from stress. You can catch up with your
colleagues talk about, hear/learn new things (I already said, avoid office-gossip).
أرجو إخباري لو كان عندكم مشكلة في قراءة المواضيع بالإنجليزية
شاكرا لكم ولكن جميعاً